University of Nevada, Reno
Article Number
Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X Article XI Article XII |
- Section 1: The name of this organization shall be:
- Section 1: These Bylaws are subordinate to, and in all ways subject to, the International Constitution and Bylaws of Beta Alpha Psi Honorary Organization (“the Organization”), and hereby reaffirm the purposes, policies, and principles contained therein. Any provision of this document which conflicts with the existing International Constitution and Bylaws shall be null and void.
- Section 2: These Bylaws shall be the principal governing document of Zeta Iota Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, and any Constitution or Bylaws previously existing are hereby superseded and are null and void.
- Section 3: The Zeta Iota Chapter affirms its knowledge of and adherence to all applicable University regulations.
- Section 4: At least four copies of the International Constitution and Bylaws and of the Chapter Bylaws shall be maintained at all times: one copy shall be placed in the custody of the ASUN office; one copy shall be placed in the Chapter’s minute book of records; one copy shall be in the custody of the Faculty Advisor; and a fourth copy shall be placed so as to be readily accessible at all times to members of the Chapter, such as on the Chapter’s web page.
- Section 5: Should any Manual of Chapter Operations be prepared, it shall be considered as an appendix to these Bylaws, and therefore subject to the same provisions covering amendments to the Bylaws.
- Section 1: The objective of this Organization shall be to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the fields of Accounting, Finance, Business Analytics, and Information Systems. This objective includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-objectives: To instill in its members a motivation for self-improvement; To foster high moral and ethical standards in its members; To cultivate a sense of responsibility and service in its members; To promote the study and practice of accountancy, finance, business analytics or digital technology; and to provide opportunities for association among its members and professionals.
- Section 1: The membership of this Chapter shall consist of those individuals who are members as of the adoption of these Bylaws and who are periodically admitted to membership or affiliate membership in such manner and, under such requirements as may be prescribed herein or by the International Constitution and Bylaws.
- Section 2: Membership in the Chapter shall be open to all persons, without discrimination, who are interested in the aims and purposes of the Organization, who are willing to subscribe to its International Constitution and Bylaws and to the Chapter’s Bylaws, and who are otherwise qualified under the provisions set forth in those documents.
- Section 3: Honorary members may be initiated by the unanimous vote of the Executive Board, or a committee formed by the Executive Board. They shall have been considered because of their outstanding personal and professional attainments in the fields of accounting, finance, business analytics, or digital technology.
- Section 4: Candidates are students who have declared an interest in a concentration in accounting, finance, or areas related to business analytics or digital technology but who have not yet met the requirements for membership.
- Section 1: Undergraduate students shall be considered for membership after they have declared a concentration in accounting, finance, or areas related to business analytics or digital technology, completed at least three semesters of study and at least one upper-division class in their chosen major.
- Section 2: All prospective undergraduate initiates must have gained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 in their upper-level courses in their declared area of concentration, and either a cumulative 3.0 grade point average or a 3.25 grade point average in the last 30 credits. The grade point averages described in this section shall be checked and verified by the Faculty Advisor.
- Section 3: Graduate students shall be considered for membership after they have been in the graduate school for a period of one semester and have completed a minimum of six (6) credit hours of graduate courses.
- Section 4: All prospective graduate initiates must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. The grade point averages shall be checked and verified by the Faculty Advisor.
- Section 5: In addition to complying with the requirements of this Article, each initiate in this Chapter shall meet all the qualifications for membership specified in the International Constitution and Bylaws.
- Section 6: Zeta Iota does not discriminate with respect to membership on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, socio-economic status, physical or mental impairment, or sexual orientation.
- Section 1: Active participation within the Chapter by each member is expected and required.
- Section 2: To encourage members to continuously involve themselves in Beta Alpha Psi, categories of membership have been established.
- Section 3: Members will sign a membership / candidate agreement
- Section 4: To be considered a member in Good Standing, a member must:
- Pay dues by the deadline.
- Meet the minimum GPA requirements as outlined in Article V.
- Attend 65% of professional events for the full duration of each event per semester.
- Attend 30% of community service events for the full duration of each event per semester.
- One of the community service events must be from proctoring. Exceptions to this rule will be rare and at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- One of the community service events must be from proctoring. Exceptions to this rule will be rare and at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- Attend monthly member meetings.
- Attend and vote at election meetings.
- Pay dues by the deadline.
- Section 5: To be considered a candidate in Good Standing, a candidate must:
- Pay dues by the deadline.
- Meet the minimum GPA requirements as outlined in Article V.
- Attend 65% of professional events for the full duration of each event per semester.
- Attend 40% of community service events for the full duration of each event per semester.
- One of the community service events must be from proctoring. Exceptions to this rule will be rare and at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- One of the community service events must be from proctoring. Exceptions to this rule will be rare and at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- Attend monthly member meetings.
- Attend and vote at election meetings.
- Pay dues by the deadline.
- Section 7: All attendance attained are to be reported to the Reporter by the fifth day of the following month. It is suggested that all candidates and members document their own activities in order to safeguard their interest.
- Section 8: Only students in good standing shall be entitled to vote and to hold office. Only members in good standing may enjoy the privileges of the Organization, which include permission to participate in the events of the Organization and permission to list membership in Beta Alpha Psi on a résumé or curriculum vitae and wearing the Beta Alpha Psi sash at graduation.
- Section 1: Initiation shall be held at least twice in each academic year and reported according to the International Constitution and Bylaws and Chapter Activity Program. Initiation fees shall be $95 per semester.
- Section 2: Student membership dues shall be $40 per semester. Faculty and Honorary members are charged no dues, but they are subject to the initiation fee of $20. Dues must be paid by a date mutually agreed upon by the Treasurer and Vice-President of Membership.
- Section 3: Candidates must pay a one-time initiation fee of $95 to cover the cost of their induction into the national organization.
- Section 4: Dues may be increased or decreased without amendment hereto, provided such an increase or decrease is approved by the Chapter membership on or before the last business meeting of the academic semester preceding the academic year during which such increase or decrease shall be in effect.
- Section 5: Any special assessment or refund of dues or a penalty fee must be approved by the Chapter membership at a Chapter business meeting at least fourteen (14) days preceding the date on which the dues or penalty fees shall be assessed or refunded in full or in part.
- Section 1: Business meetings shall be held at least once each month, unless otherwise approved by a majority of the Executive Board.
- Section 2: A business meeting shall be defined as a meeting open to the active membership and pledges at which Chapter business may be transacted or discussed. Such business meetings shall be duly called and conducted under proper parliamentary procedure when deemed appropriate.
- Section 3: A quorum shall consist of 60% of all active members. All action of such quorum shall be legal and binding upon the Chapter and its membership
- Section 1: Any member whose dues have not been paid within one month of the required time or who does not meet the minimum requirements for a member in good standing shall be placed on probation. A member who has been placed on probation shall be denied all privileges of the Chapter.
- Section 2: A member who has been placed on probation shall only be reinstated once the minimum membership requirements have been met. Any member in poor standing who does not meet the minimum requirements by the following semester shall be asked to resign. At the end of the second non-consecutive semester of poor standing, a member shall be asked to resign.
- Section 3: A member or candidate may resign from Beta Alpha Psi by notifying in writing the Faculty Advisor or Chapter President. The resigning member shall surrender the membership certificate and other Beta Alpha Psi insignia to the local chapter. The local chapter must forward the membership certificate to the Executive Office. Initiation, pledge, and membership fees are not refundable.
- Section 4: A member may be expelled from the Chapter following the procedure outlined in the International Constitution and Bylaws. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the active student members shall be necessary to expel a member from the Chapter. The President shall have the responsibility for proposing the expulsion of a member, specifying in writing to each member the reasons for the proposed action. A vote on the proposal may be held no earlier than two weeks after the written proposal is tendered to each student member and Faculty Advisor of the Chapter.
- Section 1: All active members in good standing and candidates who have satisfactorily completed their minimum requirements shall have full and complete voting power at a Chapter meeting if present at such meeting.
- Section 2: An active member excused from attendance by the Executive Board shall have the opportunity to vote for officers by Absentee, Proxy ballot, or email.
- Section 3: Alumni shall be permitted to attend meetings, participate in all discussions and offer suggestions at such meetings and serve on committee, but shall not have the right to vote.
- Section 4: Section 4: To qualify for nomination, a candidate must be an active member or a candidate fulfilling all of the minimum requirements and must be a member in good standing with the Chapter.
- Section 5: Nominations can be made publicly on the web page during the nomination period, held one week prior to the election. Nominations can also be made on Election Day.
- Section 6: The President shall serve as Chancellor of the meeting in order to ensure the smooth operation of all business meetings. The Faculty Advisor shall serve as Parliamentarian and shall settle any dispute concerning rules of order or other related technicalities, according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Section 7: Voting for officers shall be by secret ballot or via email with only the Faculty Advisor and the current President viewing the results.
- Section 8: The election for the individual offices shall be voted upon separately. Officers shall be elected in the following order: President, Vice-President of Professional Activities, Vice-President of Professional Events, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Community Service Activities, Treasurer, Reporting Secretary, Vice-President of Technology, Vice-President of Public Relations, Vice-President of Social Activities.
- Section 9: A candidate defeated for any office shall not be considered ineligible for any of the remaining offices.
- Section 10: Candidates for the various offices shall have the opportunity to briefly address the membership should the candidate so desire.
- Section 11: The candidate receiving a majority of votes on the first ballot for an office shall be declared elected to that office. If a majority is not attained, a subsequent ballot shall be cast by the members in attendance with inclusion of applicable Absentee, Proxy ballots and email for the top two candidates.
- Section 12: In the event a new office is created, or a vacancy occurs in an existing office, a special election may be held at a Chapter meeting at which a quorum is present.
- Section 13: Installation of officers shall be held at Spring Banquet at the end of each academic year.
- Section 1 – The President shall:
- Be responsible for, and have authority over, the planning and conducting of the affairs of the Chapter;
- Act as a liaison between the Chapter and other organizations inside and outside of the University;
- Have such powers and responsibilities as precedent and reason dictates for the presiding officer of a fraternal organization.
- Section 2 – The Vice-President of Professional Activities shall:
- Coordinate professional luncheons and firm tours for the Chapter;
- Write thank-you letters to guest speakers;
- Maintain a database of guest speakers;
- Assist in maintaining an up-to-date database/contact list of representatives from local firms and businesses;
- Contact representatives from local firms and businesses and invite to professional luncheons;
- Serve as an assistant to the President, presiding in his/her absence and succeeding him/her or upon his/her resignation from office; and
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 3 – The Vice-President of Professional Events shall:
- Coordinate all professional events for the Chapter;
- Ensure that the scheduled banquets and the Meet the Firms Night event are planned properly;
- Assist in maintaining an up-to-date database/contact list of representatives from local firms and businesses;
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 4 – The Vice-President of Membership shall:
- Organize and implement a campaign drive to recruit new members;
- Collect new membership applications and verify qualifications;
- Contact all students selected by the Chapter as deserving membership and keep them informed of Chapter proceedings;
- Encourage new membership involvement in Chapter activities;
- Maintain a permanent up-to-date database of the names, addresses, and employment of the alumni of the Chapter,
- Coordinate Chapter mailings to alumni and other interested parties;
- Appoint an Initiation Banquet Chairperson and assist in organizing an Initiation Banquet;
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 5 – The Vice-President of Community Service shall:
- Be responsible for coordinating all public service activities of the Chapter;
- Maintain a complete record of those service activities;
- Ensure the successful completion of the Chapter’s service hour requirement;
- Organize tutoring sessions to assist lower division accounting students with their 201 and 202 accounting classes;
- Appoint tutors;
- Work with 201 and 202 accounting faculty to be sure tutoring sessions are available and beneficial to the students;
- Monitor tutoring session attendance;
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 6 – The Treasurer shall:
- Receive and reconcile the bank statements on a quarterly basis or when cash inflows or outflows exceed $5,000;
- Maintain current and accurate records of the financial position of the Chapter and prepare all reports required by the Executive Office, present vital financial information to the Executive Board on a timely basis, and be responsible for billing any accounts payable and paying any accounts receivable;
- Prepare the financial statements and arrange for their audit, and send to the Executive Office the audited financial statements for the Chapter by the date designated by the International Constitution and Chapter Activity Program;
- Arrange fundraising activities for the Chapter and serve as the chairperson of a fundraising committee to oversee these projects;
- Follow up and report on the success of these projects; and
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 7 – The Reporting Secretary shall:
- Assume responsibility of acquiring and keeping all International Report Forms, and submitting these forms promptly as designated by the Program of Chapter Activities;
- Assume responsibility for reporting the names of all new initiates and new officers to the Executive Office with all required information, including the appropriate verifications and fees;
- Assist other officers with such correspondence as is necessary for the administration of the Organization;
- Keep records of all correspondence in appropriate files;
- Maintain a complete list of all active members with a breakdown by class and date of initiation. Such records shall be revised at least twice in each semester, as close to the previous initiation date as possible;
- Be responsible for maintaining a complete record of all hours obtained by candidates, members, and officers; and
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 8 – The Vice-President of Technology shall:
- Maintain the website, or oversee a committee that oversees the website;
- Design and update the website of the Zeta Iota Chapter as necessary;
- Maintain a complete file and record of the site;
- Distribute any electronic newsletters to the interested members;
- Work closely with the other officers for the needs of web publishing; and
- Be directly responsible to the President.
- Section 9 – The Faculty Advisor(s) shall:
- Act as the official faculty advisor for the Chapter;
- Counsel and assist the officers and various committees;
- Act as the official Parliamentarian;
- Verify the appropriate reports going to the Executive Office, as required by the Program of Chapter Activities;
- Assure the continuity of the Chapter and be a liaison of the Chapter’s activities; and
- The Faculty Advisor shall not concurrently serve on the International Council.
- Section 10: Any deviation from the duties described above shall be determined by the President and shall terminate with the term of the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
- Section 11: The Chapter shall have the power by a majority vote of those student members present, at any regular or emergency meeting, to declare any office vacant on account of withdrawal, continued absence, or inability or incapacity of any officer to administer properly the duties of the office, and shall have the power to elect officers to fill such vacancies.
- Section 1: The Faculty Advisor or the Executive Board may appoint committees as required for the administration and organization of the Chapter.
- Section 2: Committee members and chairpersons may consist of active members, pledges, honorary members, alumni and officers of the Chapter. The President and Faculty Advisor are ex officio members of all committees.
- Section 1: The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, Vice-President of Professional Activities, Vice-President of Professional Events, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Community Service Activities, Reporting Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers who may be appointed or elected under the creation of any future office. Over 70% of the Executive Board shall be deemed a quorum.
- Section 2: The Executive Board shall have responsibility concurrent with that of the President, for the direction and administration of the activities of the Chapter. They shall have the power to handle such administrative details and organizational functions as reason and precedent dictate to such a board.
- Section 3: Decisions reached by the Executive Board shall be by the majority vote of its members with the exception of the Faculty Advisor. Active members, faculty members, honorary members, and alumni may attend any meeting of the Executive Board and participate in any discussion at such meeting, but have no voting powers.
- Amendment I: These Bylaws may be amended, suspended, added to, or stricken by a two-thirds (2/3) vote among a quorum of active members voting, provided the purpose of the amendment is published one week prior to its being voted upon.
- Amendment II: All active members shall have the right to vote in the case of amendments to the Chapter Bylaws.
- Members available to attend a meeting in which amendments will be voted on shall cast their votes in the usual manner;
- Those members who are unable to attend a meeting can cast a vote via Absentee or Proxy ballot.
- Amendment III: No amendment shall be effective until a copy of the amendment or a copy of the amended Bylaws are transmitted to, and approved by, the appropriate University officials, and have been mailed to, and filed by, the International Secretary of the Organization.
- Amendment IV: Any amendments to the Bylaws must be appended to the four copies noted in Article II, Section 4.