John R. Mill Memorial Fund
UNR faculty was saddened by the passing of John Mills in early January, 2014. John had been a professor at UNR for over thirty years. During his time as a faculty member, John taught and touched the lives of scores of students. In his honor, the John R. Mills Memorial Fund was created to finance an annual Outstanding Student Award for an accounting student who exemplifies the attribute of excellence that John sought to bring out in students. If you wish to contribute to the fund, your donations would be greatly appreciated.
Below are the two ways that individuals can make gifts to this fund.
By Mail:
Check made out to: University of Nevada, Reno Foundation
reference line: John R. Mills Memorial Fund
Mail to:
College of Business
c/o Mitch Klaich
University of Nevada, Reno/00024
Reno, NV 89557-0024
For any questions or concerns, please contact Mitch Klaich at:
(775) 682-6490
[email protected]
Below are the two ways that individuals can make gifts to this fund.
- In Donation Information Section: select amount
- Under the designation drop box: select College of Business
- Under Additional Information:
- Make sure the One-time gift is highlighted
- Choose whether you want would like your gift to remain anonymous.
- In the comments make sure to write: “John R. Mills Memorial Fund”
By Mail:
Check made out to: University of Nevada, Reno Foundation
reference line: John R. Mills Memorial Fund
Mail to:
College of Business
c/o Mitch Klaich
University of Nevada, Reno/00024
Reno, NV 89557-0024
For any questions or concerns, please contact Mitch Klaich at:
(775) 682-6490
[email protected]